Nike Air MaxThe case of Karachi annoys the head of state, who has indicated, in terms somewhat outrageous, journalists who had accompanied him, Friday 19 November at the NATO summit in Lisbon. Nicolas Sarkozy claims he was wrongly accused.
Here's what he said during the informal meeting: "I've never been a minister of defense, I am not aware of the contracts traded submarines at the time with a president who called Mr. Mitterrand A prime minister who called Mr. Balladur, a minister of defense called Mr. Leotard. As budget minister, I've never had to know or even remotely as well the validation process (by the Minister on the budget proposal of the chief tax) was abolished in 1992 by Mr. Charasse. "
Clearly, the Head of State said that as a "simple" budget minister, he did not give authorization for payment of commissions to brokers for the sale of Agosta submarines to Pakistan. And he was not involved in arms sales.
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A version that has undermined Mediapart Wednesday. The site covers a series of documents, one shows that Nicolas Sarkozy was at least informed of the sale to Pakistan. This letter, on file with the judge Trévidic Marc, who is investigating the attack which killed 14 people in Karachi in 2002, comes from François Leotard, former Minister of Defence.
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The date of the letter is not specified, but appears from the context, correspond to the end of 1994. It is addressed to Nicolas Sarkozy, Minister of the Budget, and requested, under the seal of "confidential defense", to give state guarantee to the contract of sale of submarines. A prerequisite for the sale of weapons that allows the seller to be assured that it will affect the amount of the sale. It is likely that this guarantee has been granted because the sale took place.
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