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Taken regularly for years, a small dose of aspirin (75 milligrams per day)
can decrease by 24% the risk of colorectal cancer and reduce mortality in its third
patients. That's what British doctors, whose study was
published Friday in the medical journal The Lancet. Peter Rothwell of the University
Oxford, first author of the article, treatment with low doses of aspirin could
be prescribed as a preventive measure for individuals at high risk of colorectal tumors by
example due to a family plot. But it seems premature to propose wider
This strategy of "chemoprevention" in the population, particularly because of the effects
Secondary aspirin in the digestive tract (irritation, bleeding).
Colorectal cancers are among the most common malignancies in the country
developed. In France, approximately 37,000 new cases are recorded annually, which places
these cancers rank third in terms of incidence and mortality for the second. We
found a familial predisposition in 17% of cases.
In recent years, several studies have suggested the protective properties of aspirin
(At daily doses of a few hundred milligrams), in people at high
risk of these cancers or already ill. The interest of the work of Peter Rothwell and its
colleagues is to have compiled data from five large studies on the subject, conducted in
United Kingdom, Holland and Sweden. The authors were able to analyze a population of 14
000 patients, or not subject to a daily intake of aspirin (to prevent cardiovascular)
for six years. During the eighteen years of follow up, 2.8% of them developed cancer
colo-rectal cancer.
"I'll allow myself this strategy"
In total, during this period, the risk of occurrence of these tumors is reduced by 24%
those taking aspirin. And mortality of these cancers is reduced by 35%. The b
ENEFITS is observed for doses of 75 mg and higher doses
do not induce additional benefit, the researchers said. They also note that
the protective effect of the molecule relates mainly tumors in the first part
(Called proximal) colon, an area more difficult to visualize by endoscopy exams.
Aspirin would have no protective effect on cancers of the distal colon and
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For the British researchers, these findings have implications for practice
daily. Patients within a treatment to reduce the antiaggregatory
risk of cardiovascular event, the argument for the prevention of colorectal cancer
should tip the scales in favor of aspirin instead of another molecule. "I
will allow me now this strategy in people at high risk of cancer
family, well aware of the benefits and risks of aspirin, "commented Professor Robert
Benamouzig the Avicenne Hospital in Bobigny, who co-wrote an accompanying editorial to the article.
"This study is probably the straw that broke the camel is going to do, and encourage
Experts meet to decide who should benefit from this prevention with aspirin,
adds the gastroenterologist. But until such a consensus, it discourages those who
tempted by self-medication to do so.
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mrdear le lundi 25 octobre 2010