1 youth with psychological difficulties of 2

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vibram five fingers One out of two training (student, student, apprentice) said the difficulties psychological, but few have used a health professional, according to a survey OpinionWay to the Fondation Pierre Deniker (research and prevention in mental health). Fondation Pierre Deniker, chaired by Professor Jean-Pierre Olie (Ste-Anne, Paris) five fingers shoes this week launched the program "Good in his studies, although in his life!" to try improve access of young people suffering psychological to appropriate care. The survey shows that OpinionWay for 9% of those surveyed, expressed the difficulties may suggest a diagnosis and psychopathology in particular, for 7% of them, depressive-like signs. But among those 9%, 60% did not use any professional health. Only 11% consulted a psychiatrist or psychologist. The survey was conducted in June on a representative sample of 1,217 youths aged 18 to 25 years (585 high school and college students, 551 young people with learning or work, 81 job search). Vibram Five Fingers Speed Vibram Five Fingers Bikila Vibram Five Fingers Mens
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Par mrdear le lundi 25 octobre 2010


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